City Council Agenda

SEPTEMBER 9, 20204
5:30 P.M.

1. Introduction and Welcome
a. Roll Call
b. Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports
c. Department Reports
d. Commission/Committee Reports

2. New Business
a. Agreement between the City of Ozark and Ozark Public School District #14 for use of a Recreational Softball Field.
b. Shelby Beasley, Main Street Director to discuss an Entertainment District.
c. Hillbilly Loop Sanitary Sewer Extension
d. Lease Renewal with Department of Community Correction 200 S 4th Street.

3. No Old Business
4. Public Input
5. Announcements
6. Adjournment

Parks and Recreation Meeting Tuesday, September 17th 5:30 P.M.
Street and Water Meeting Thursday, September 19th 5:30 P.M.